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DONE: IdleMute - Tray utility to mute speaker when you are away from the PC!

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hi skrommel !
can I ask u a question-  I tried to use my resource editor Axialis Iconworkshop to "hack in" my icons (sorry.. hehe I spent some time to make them I actually grew sort of fond of them  :-[  ) and when I tried to run IdleMute this way it says the EXE is corrupted.  So OK i thought I would download the .AHK script and compile it myself with my own icons.  But I am not sure how to do it.... I see the ahk2exe tool but it has only single line for .ico file..... do I just put all my icons in this one file and make sure resource IDs match the ones in the script?  if you can tell me how to do this I would be very thankful...

this is somewhat off topic, but would anyone else be interested in us trying to arrange some live ahk lessons by skrommel in our chat channel some day?

that would definitely be cool ....................  :Thmbsup:

 :) IdleMute v1.8 just makes it possible to disable muting, so the timer can be used to pause WinAmp or other programs instead.

To change the icons in AHK you have to edit the file C:\Prog\Automatisering\AutoHotkey\Compiler\AutoHotkeySC.bin. Make shure you close all Ahk2Exe windows before editing and compiling to make it load the file properly.

I haven't been to the chat channel, but I guess that can be arranged. But there really are better programmers than me on the AHK forums...


hey Skrommel... i was just noticing, at least on my system, when IdleMute has kicked in and muted the speaker, then the only way to un-mute is by tapping a key on my keyboard.  Moving the mouse has no effect.  Is this on purpose?  I thought I remembered in older versions I could shake the mouse to un-mute the computer as well.....   :-\
thanks happy holidays


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