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Thoughts on switching to IPv6

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Well... if every Chinese and Indian want their own static IP, we'll probably run into problems. And because NATing wasn't done originally and some organizations were assigned too large blocks, and because of some of the reserved/non-routable blocks, it is a problem. But imho not as big a problem as some people are trying to blow it up to be.

Would be nice if we could wave a magic wand and make the entire internet (and all applications) IPv6+IPSEC capable at once. But it doesn't really work like that... also, protocol overhead increases, and good luck trying to memorize IPv6 addresses :)
-f0dder (October 21, 2008, 04:13 PM)
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Spot on f0dder! :Thmbsup:

The degree of complexity IPv6 introduces doesn't offer enough "benefit to grief" for it to be happily embraced by most organizations. Especially when IPv4 and NAT works so well for internal use. Content providers (telcos, movie studios, e-commerce providers, etc.) are all chomping at the bit because they envision a whole new range of products and services they could be selling with an expanded address space.

The rest of us could probably care less.

I strongly suspect what will ultimately happen is that IPv4 will continue to be used on most internal networks. Those addresses will route out via a new NAT schema to IPv6. IPv6 addressing will only be used where it is actually required, such as the Internet backbone. Newer routers will be built to arbitrate between the two different address schemes.

Probably the only major change will be that all IPv4 addresses and subnets ( thru will become the new private non-routable address space.

Yay! No more 192.168.x.x/24 or 10.x.x.x/8 nonsense! ;D

There has been some talk of eventually getting the governments to enforce the use of IPv6. I don't see that happening any time soon. The costs involved in forcing that significant a change onto the world's infrastructure doesn't even bear thinking about. And all it would take is one major holdout to end the discussion. That holdout could even emerge from the grass roots level. Much like back in the early 70s when the American public and business community refused to adopt the metric system despite all the efforts of the US Government to persuade them otherwise.

IPv4...IPv6...why choose one when you can have the benefits of using both?
We'll just let the backbone, internal routers, and DNS handle the details for us.
And why not? That's what we built the little buggers for to begin with! ;D

Carol Haynes:
I don't really understand why they couldn't simply add an extra number to IPv4 addresses - say a country code. Existing users/companies could have a default code of 0 (implied by a 4 figure IP) and then new users/companies could have an extra number allocated.

I don't really understand why they couldn't simply add an extra number to IPv4 addresses - say a country code. Existing users/companies could have a default code of 0 (implied by a 4 figure IP) and then new users/companies could have an extra number allocated.
-Carol Haynes (October 21, 2008, 06:14 PM)
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It would still require the same scale of changes that IPv6 requires - so, to be fair, it's better that they extend it properly so we don't have to repeat the dance in 10 years. AFAIK it's also more than just extending the address space, but I haven't paid enough attention :)

I was getting some nasty freeze-ups in Firefox, the status bar showed "Looking up [site]" whenever it got stuck. I dumped OpenDNS and switched to Treewalk, just in case it was a DNS retrieval delay but it didn't help.

Someone in an old post on ubuntuforums had recommended turning IPv6 off in FF via network.dns.disableIPv6 and it seems to have sorted out the problem.

One particular bug that has appeared exists not in Mozilla, but in IPv6-capable DNS servers: an IPv4 address may be returned when an IPv6 address is requested. It is possible for Mozilla to recover from this misinformation, but a significant delay is introduced.

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OK, so it looks like IANA finally allocated the last remaining blocks of IPv4:
(read: no more UNALLOCATED entries in the "Status" column)

It's going to take a little more time before the RIRs finish handing out their allotted space, and the estimates for that are anywhere from 3 months to a year.
Either way, I'm going to be in the market for a new router, not because I think the sky is falling, but because whatever changeover needs to happen, it WILL happen sooner than later.



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