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Tech News Weekly: 40

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i think thats a good idea going forward.

Excellent :) Mouse man, I'm afraid my threads are microspeak free zones :P


The scary thing about no 7 is not the actual monitoring itself (because it only affects the Chinese), but the fact that e-bay entered into this agreement voluntarily. Makes you wonder what they're doing with your Skype conversations.-Ehtyar (October 04, 2008, 07:59 AM)
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Given eBay's recent "F*** YOU!"1 attitude here to their customers, (you know - the people who pay them), why should you be surprised at all ?

Thankfully, this deranged attempt to grab even more money was put down, however the advertising on eBay is still unfairly skewed towards PayPal for payment.

1 - Disclaimer: If the *** offends, then please replace them with the ROT13 encoded letters: H, P & X.

hahahhaha 40hz that's a great sign for Ehtyar -- i think he should use it  :up:
-mouser (October 04, 2008, 04:39 PM)
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He's welcome to use it if he likes. But I think this might be a little bit better for what you're doing:

This is another 5-minute creation. If you want to use it, I should clean it up a bit, since the line spacing and text kerning leave a lot to be desired.

Here's an idea: why not ask the DC crowd to join in and come up with some sort of logo or banner? I'm sure there are a lot of "artsy types" here that could do it better than me. Maybe even put it up for a user vote if you think it would be fun... (Just a thought ;))

(BTW: That's Captain Nemo getting a sextant reading; from an illustration in the original 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in case anybody's interested. :))

I've tried to avoid putting my name to the news, but this is just too cool to pass up. This one will be the cap for my next news 40hz, some cody currency coming your way. Thanks  :Thmbsup:



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