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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

A Special Recognition and Present for DC Member Eric Wong (VideoInPicture

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It is very pleasing to see this being done. I believe it to be very much in the spirit of DonationCoder.

Congratulations to Eric (well deserved!) and profound thanks to Chris Hanscom and Mouser for cooking up such an excellent idea.

Thanks, too, to everyone who contributes to making DC such a good place to hang around.
To those who contribute knowledge, advice, time, thought, civility and -- most importantly -- participation at any level.... THNAK YOU ALL.

(Now, if someone could only contribute a little proofreading effort...)

Thank you! I don't know how I missed this thread yesterday since I was browsing the forums! Guess my university classes are clouding up my head.  :D

This is very unexpected and I feel honored. Thank you Veign & mouser!

I'll put that Visual Studio subscription to good use. I've wanted to do some more C++ coding with the MFC since it has some special features not available in other languages but it's not included in the Express edition I use. I know that the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 MFC includes libraries to create the Microsoft Ribbon interface to Microsoft specifications so that'll be something for me to play with. Also, it's always nice to be able to test my programs on older versions of Windows and especially the 64-bit versions! I guess it's time to find a 1 TeraByte hard drive and get to downloading!  :D

Eric Wong

You deserve it Eric.  Just put it to good use...

Congratulations to Eric - well deserved!  :Thmbsup:

Congratulations Eric.


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