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Excellent RSS reader

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Google Reader is great; for some reason it hooks you up. But I must say NewsGator does something that Greader doesn't: G is 100% web; NG has many front ends:

* Web
* PC
* PDA / Smartphone (native client, sync+offline reading, not a mobile edition of the site)
* And I guess there is a news-in-your-inbox kind of solution, I don't remember now
I know: the cloud is the future and it will even wash your clothes... but if I like my client to be native, I want to have the choice. The PDA app is what made me a loyal user of NewsGator for some while. I need to be able to read my feeds offline; no 3G data yet. But the client (Windows Mobile 5, smartphone ed.) felt a bit slow and heavy, and I switched to mDigger which sports a pretty fine, lightweight reader, though the web interface is too primitive and limited. It's mostly used to manage your suscriptions on the smartphone, rather than to read the news.

Since yesterday I'm trying YoMoMedia which looks similar to Greader (but a bit cleaner, which I like) and also has a PDA native client. Seems to work quite well; I'll keep on evaluating it. BTW, I imported my OPML feed from Greader into YoMoMedia and worked like a charm. NewsGator does OPML quite well, Google too; mDigger doesn't.

I use and like feeddemon too.
One enhancement i would like is a rightclick > open link in default browser  .....  right now you can only use a general setting for all links thru the options.

I think zhuaxia is easy to use than google reader, but it's a pity that zhuaxia only has Chinese UI. It is also an online RSS reader.

RSSOwl is a good choice, but it is programmed in java, too slow, more memory cost.. sigh.

Paul Keith:
Rereading this thread reminded me of how there still isn't a killer app for feed reading.

Newshutch had potential and in fact was overtaking both Google Reader and Bloglines as a third option before it's demise but in this day and age, feed readers went from a sprawling collection of offline and online offerings into Google Reader for online and Feed Demon for offline with Bloglines retaining it's old position.

It's scary how market monopoly drives innovation. Here we are where people have already created new tweaks to rss reading like twitter/friendfeed layer, magazine lay-outs and netvibes/igoogle mini-tabs, a scrolling ticker and yet no individual has yet tried developing an Outlook for rss readers.

Contrast this in the past where there was nothing going for rss readers except the aesthetic and the stability common in any programs and you got NewsHutch, an online Newspaper lay-out who's name I forgot, Netvibes, IGoogle, GReader, Bloglines (Old), GreatNews, Omea Reader, Sage, Wizz Rss, GreatNews, This ad-ware RSS reader with a green theme, this offline RSS-reader that highlights your RSS based on your preference, RSSOwl, RSS Bandit, etc.

All pretty much adding features or taking away without really offering anything new just to get ahead of the RSS Reader race.


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