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Hard Drive electrical failure... trash it?

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if you trace the connection from the circled piece back to the big black connector on top you will see that some of these tracks (at the line of holes) have directed a lot of current to the component that is burnt to a crisp. Those holes are discolored (there is a group of three and next to the group is another one)..

This isn't a good thing, because these holes usually mean that the board has more than one layer of circuitry. So it will be hard to tell if and which other component(s) have been damaged as well.

Buying replacement(s) for the damaged component(s) will not be your biggest problem (price wise). However, the labor from the technician is, given the replacement value of a SATA harddisk.   

Thanks for your diagnosis, Shades. Now I wonder:what did that...  a faulty enclosure ? the Sata-USB adapter ??? How can I prevent further damage to any other equipment that I'll have to buy/replace ?

You're so lucky, you have visual damage!
Even though it's unlikely that that little smd there is the only damaged part, it's worth spending the $1 on replacing the smd part. If it works you just fixed your hard drive for $1 and 5 minutes of soldering in a new smd part :)

If you don't know how, here's a video tutorial ;)

Thanks Gothi[c]. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it would take me much much longer than 5 minutes, as I'd have to search for the burnt part, then maybe buy another (more precise) soldering iron, and finally make the operation a success...  :-[ I've done similar stuff before on a previous laptop motherboard, but it was a bigger connection (AC input).
I'll think about it.
I'm afraid of loosing more time and money on this, so in the end I might just buy a new cheap external HD at future shop... I don't know what I'll do with my current empty enclosure as I don't know how find out it it's guilty or not.

I'm afraid of loosing more time and money on this, so in the end I might just buy a new cheap external HD at future shop... I don't know what I'll do with my current empty enclosure as I don't know how find out it it's guilty or not.-Armando
--- End quote ---
Time's money.
Play safe and dump it.
Or, set it aside until such time as you have both the opportunity and inclination to try again (which will probably resolve into never).
Sorry you're having grief, but a short, sharp pain in the wallet is often better than a lengthy and uncertain course of treatment.
Mind you, I certainly admire those with the skill and persistence to do Gothi[c]-type surgery on on the guts of such pieces of esoterica as routers.  :o


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