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Outlook 2007 isn't so bad (EDIT, yes it is)

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sheesh...ok, one thing good about Groupwise was that I could make a distribution list and not show all the freakin email addresses.  Our division here likes to send a lot of emails to everyone in the division, about 100 people, and all the addresses show in the email, and it looks ridiculous.

I'll try this eannouncer.

There is no other way that I know. Why not send it to yourself or a no-reply address and BCC the list? That's what a lot of lists do it anyway.
-Carol Haynes (September 16, 2008, 04:26 PM)
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but BCCs are often filtered as spam. Email merge is the way to go.
-PPLandry (September 16, 2008, 05:29 PM)
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What is email merge?
-superboyac (September 16, 2008, 07:02 PM)
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Email-merge is the same as mail-merge but generating 1 email for each contact item. It can be personalized (but need not be). It is the best (only?) way to get lots of emails delivered, guaranteed. MSWord can do it with a number of email lists (Outlook, Excel, others I'm sure

Our favorite software  ;) can also do it... Select multiple items > HTML export > Template > email-merge

Our division here likes to send a lot of emails to everyone in the division, about 100 people, and all the addresses show in the email, and it looks ridiculous.
-superboyac (September 16, 2008, 07:07 PM)
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And it is a important confidentiality problem (disclosing email adresses), so individual email is the way to go. It takes a bit more time to set it up the first time, but after that, it is no longer than sending a regular email

Impressive - I didn't know that SQLNotes handled this, thanks Pierre  :Thmbsup:

gogogadgetscott, I think you are right about Outlook.  It kind of sucks.  No, it really sucks.  I was so happy to get rid of Groupwise, I had no idea Outlook was this bad.  Still, i don't know if I prefer Groupwise.  I hated that too.  I wish we could just use the Bat.  I temporarily configured the Bat to work with the Exchange server, and it's really nice, but I can't do meetings on it, so it's useless.

I hate needlessly slow applications.  Frankly, if you're not doing something graphically intensive or with extremely large data crunching, I see absolutely no reason why programs shouldn't be speedy on any computer less than 3 years old.


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