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Has your phone replaced your camera?

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Well, I don't have a digital camera, so I guess it's a yes from me..

My Nokia N82 (5MP, Carl Zeiss, Xenon blitz) does a somewhat decent job though.. It's not up there with the seriously professional cameras, nor do I expect it to be..

Every camera I've had on a phone has been substandard at best. I've seen pictures from other people's phones, and while they might work marginally, the pictures certainly aren't usable for anything. e.g. You couldn't print them.-Renegade (September 02, 2008, 07:41 PM)
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Not everybody needs to print pictures - getting a snapshot of a BSOD on various public terminals/advertisement stands, grabbing party shots for facebook use (you wouldn't bring a SLR to any of the parties I attend, unless you're bat-shit insane :P), et cetera. For on-screen use, my k750i does a decent job; here's a pic that's been downsized from 1632x1224:
Has your phone replaced your camera?

Might not be super-super quality, but it gets the point across: it all comes down to what you need the pictures for. Really.

Certainly not.

And you can't compare both.

Phone's camera have to be used (imho) as an information grabber, like a quick scan utility (a book title, a product reference, ...) or a quick fun multimedia messaging (when it works !!!  ;)).

The MP argument is a big joke (even on regular camera thought). it means (almost) absolutely nothing, except if you plan to print a 4*3 meter poster !

And also don't forget that what make the difference of quality in a picture (I'm not talking of the photographer of course !) is much more the lens than the quantity of pixel on your camera...and phones lens are ridiculous.

I'm with f0dder. He's especially spot on with the following:

you wouldn't bring a SLR to any of the parties I attend, unless you're bat-shit insane
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In my case I'd also have to add "and you have a death-wish" to the above.

My MOTO is great for insurance and "blackmail" photos. ;D

Beyond that I'll stick to my ladyfriend's EOS.

f0dder, what's that you have inside the paper roll? ;D


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