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Circle Dock 0.9.2 Alpha 7 Discussion

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Hi again.

I worked out that you used C# after the last post (sorry!). I did comment out the items in MainForm.designer.cs and TransparentObject.cs and a couple of others i came across and this did fix the context menu appearing on the menu itself, however the tray icon still had it's context menu. I'll keep playing around, but since i am not proficient in C# i don't wan't to muck around too much in case i break something :D

I will eagerly await Sunday's new build, if you could assist me with the source after that i will be very appreciative!

Keep up the awesome work.

One Lump Sum:
V.I.P., I have to say this is a wonderful program, and a great alternative to ObjectDock.  I recently d/l a circle dock for DesktopX, but it was pretty much featureless.  Just launched like 6 pre picked files, and no rotation.  I give this  :up:  :up: !!!  I can't stop customizing it, I'm working on a few Vista Glass Style rings, but I have 2 questions.  One is, what is the purpose of the skin files with the backgrounds and seperators??  Maybe I just missed a feature somewhere in the menu.  The second is, I like the Idea that someone posted about the clock as a center button/image.  I put it around my sidebar clock and positioned it in the middle of my desktop, set the center to totally opaque, and disabled the mouse point location, it looks really cool, would like it to be permanently located in the center of my desktop, maybe with a hot key to call it on top of windows when I need it.  Any chance of getting some docklets later on down the line like OD??  It would be cool to use the center for a multiple docklet, everytime you click it, it will toggle between clock, calendar/ date, weather, maybe even a cpu meter??  This is going to be a huge, helpful, and useful app, I believe the possibilities are pretty much endless right now, just a matter of time.  Thanx, and I am glad to be using this, and will be directing many ppl here to try it out.  LoL, Damn, sorry for such a long and wordy comment, I'm hopped up on caffiene right now.

Hi again.

I worked out that you used C# after the last post (sorry!). I did comment out the items in MainForm.designer.cs and TransparentObject.cs and a couple of others i came across and this did fix the context menu appearing on the menu itself, however the tray icon still had it's context menu. I'll keep playing around, but since i am not proficient in C# i don't wan't to muck around too much in case i break something :D

I will eagerly await Sunday's new build, if you could assist me with the source after that i will be very appreciative!

Keep up the awesome work.
-modemasters (September 11, 2008, 11:34 PM)
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To get rid of the context menu for the tray icon, comment out this.MainFormTrayIcon.ContextMenuStrip = this.MainFormContextMenuStrip; in MainForm.Designer.cs.

I'll make up a sort of "kiosk" version of Circle Dock after Sunday and post it on the Circle Dock website.

V.I.P., I have to say this is a wonderful program, and a great alternative to ObjectDock.  I recently d/l a circle dock for DesktopX, but it was pretty much featureless.  Just launched like 6 pre picked files, and no rotation.  I give this  :up:  :up: !!!  I can't stop customizing it, I'm working on a few Vista Glass Style rings, but I have 2 questions.  One is, what is the purpose of the skin files with the backgrounds and seperators??  Maybe I just missed a feature somewhere in the menu.  The second is, I like the Idea that someone posted about the clock as a center button/image.  I put it around my sidebar clock and positioned it in the middle of my desktop, set the center to totally opaque, and disabled the mouse point location, it looks really cool, would like it to be permanently located in the center of my desktop, maybe with a hot key to call it on top of windows when I need it.  Any chance of getting some docklets later on down the line like OD??  It would be cool to use the center for a multiple docklet, everytime you click it, it will toggle between clock, calendar/ date, weather, maybe even a cpu meter??  This is going to be a huge, helpful, and useful app, I believe the possibilities are pretty much endless right now, just a matter of time.  Thanx, and I am glad to be using this, and will be directing many ppl here to try it out.  LoL, Damn, sorry for such a long and wordy comment, I'm hopped up on caffiene right now.
-One Lump Sum (September 11, 2008, 11:49 PM)
--- End quote ---

Thanks for trying Circle Dock out. If you want to permanently locate Circle Dock at one spot, you should get Alpha 8 (to be officially released this Sunday):

One of the new features is an option to lock the position of the dock to one spot. This is found under Settings -> Location. You may also want to set Circle Dock to "Always on Bottom" under Settings -> General.

I included the "Skins" folder because in the near future, I want to add a straight line option to the Shapes settings panel and it would use these skins for the background just like Rocket Dock and Object Dock. They are not used right now but it is better I include them ahead of time so they are there when I want to deploy a new feature.

After I finished version 0.9.2, the first thing I will look at is adding support for docklets, either the Object Dock variety or if I have to, a version of my own. However, I definitely prefer to reuse existing docklets if at all possible. I hope I can work out how Object Dock handles it's docklets.

One Lump Sum:
Awesome, thanx for the fast reply, I was playing around with DesktopX and CD and thought I'd throw up a couple screenshots of what could possibly be some great concepts.  This is just CD Overlayed on a couple widgets I have.  I hope you like them!!  Also, I dunno if this is what you mean, but I would like the dock to always be on the desktop, and not disappear when I open a file.  It would be set to "always on bottom" but maybe use the "CTRL + 0" hot keys to temporarily call it to top to open a file without closing windows, and have it go back to bottom once file is opened.  Well, here are my concepts.....

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

CPU Meter:<br>
<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">


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