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Suggestion for Skrommel

(1/2) > >>

you have so many wonderful utilities skrommel - might i suggest 2 things:
1) use html "anchors" on the page so that people off-site can link to a specific program entry on the page.
2) maybe have a box at top just listing all of the programs alphabetically with links to the anchors,

closemany, colortaskbar, doover, ....
--- End quote ---

just so that if people come to the page and know the name of the program they are looking for they can more easily locate it.

 :) The anchors are there, but an index would make things easier to find.


it would also make it easier for people to figure out the shortcut url to use when they add it to their page (i.e. by right clicking on the index list and slecting copy).

love the solution you implemented - very fun  :Thmbsup:

 :) A somewhat lazy solution. I'd prefer a neat column layout, but then I'd have to rearrange them for every new program.

Talking of lazy, what editor do you use to show the true layout of the index.html you use?
Now I have to keep posting it. I'm also afraid of breaking it.



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