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Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation Gadgets for Pain Relief?

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As CWuestefeld indicated, it's preferable to eliminate or decrease a medical problem rather than just treating the resulting symptoms. Sometimes this is not possible though or even potentially dangerous. -KenR (July 29, 2008, 09:21 AM)
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For these extreme cases, I agree completely.

an informal review of the information available on the internet appears to suggest that TENS units that stimulate endorphin release decrease pain more.-KenR (July 29, 2008, 09:21 AM)
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A good exercise program will improve the underlying problem, as you note, and it will also release endorphins to make you feel better:

* "Most researchers have found that moderate-intensity exercise lasting at least 20 to 30 minutes produces the greatest increase of blood endorphins."
* "Another widely publicized effect of endorphin production is the so-called "runner's high", which is said to occur when strenuous exercise takes a person over a threshold that activates endorphin production. Endorphins are released during long, continuous workouts, when the level of intensity is between moderate and high, and breathing is difficult." those without pathological conditions preventing exercise, this must be the optimal answer.

I use the Electro Reflex Energizer,  I haven't used the Tens unit yet, but I really like this one.  My son has a Tens unit which I hope to use it in a couple of days when I go to visit him.

I use the Electro Reflex Energizer,  I haven't used the Tens unit yet, but I really like this one.  My son has a Tens unit which I hope to use it in a couple of days when I go to visit him.
-techidave (July 29, 2008, 01:12 PM)
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Errrm. From their web site:
After the first 6 months of using the Electro Reflex Energizer in her wellness center, Linda reported the following:
* Parasites and tapeworms destroyed quickly (excreted)
* Viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus and yeast eliminated completely.
* Healed nerves. Previously numb feet regain feelings (confirmed by many distributors).
* The electro pads generate outstanding results for sore shoulders, neck, back and pulled muscles.
* Radiation appears removed and prevented from further entering the body.
* Blood purification.
* One female reported fifteen fibroid tumors had dissolved (verified by doctor).
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"Radiation appears removed and prevented from further entering the body" -- please, give me credit for some intelligence. Do they think I'll believe that some electrical stimulation this morning is going to prevent damage from exposure to xrays or something this afternoon?

To be clear: I do believe that this can help certain symptoms. But it looks like some marketers are trying to take something that has narrow applications and making it out to be a silver bullet.

Yeah, lower back pain seems to be a normal part of life for me (particularly when trying to sleep).

I'd be interested to hear people's experience of these devices.
-dluby (July 28, 2008, 06:24 AM)
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I'm currently in physical therapy, and  :-* also get electrostimulation...looked like some hocus-pocus device at first, but it's really helpful. He puts 4 electrode things on my back & has me lay down on a large ice pack. I don't know if it's the TENS or what, I'll ask tomorrow.

And (blehhhh... :P) the exercises there actually help, too.

Here's another up-n-coming method

Pain Gone - drug free pain relief

I've got severe fibromyalgia, so I'm always looking for alternative forms of relief but the cost to even try a lot of these cutting-edgy type things is kinda shocking - PainGone $89.95 Yikes!


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