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DetachVideo - Give embedded videos their own window!

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I really like your program, i think it has lost of potential. Unfortunately, i think the best use for it is for having thumbnails of open live messenger windows (with or without video), but it doesn't behave very well with those :(
I know it's MS's fault for making non-standard windows, but it'd be really sweet if it worked..

PS: you probably should reverse the order of the tray icon's options, "quit" should be the option on the bottom and not on the top ;)
-jgpaiva (June 11, 2008, 02:14 PM)
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I'm putting the development of Video in Picture on hold for a few weeks to take care of some other stuff, computer and life related.
However, I will look into the issue of making Video in Picture work with Live Messenger. I'm pretty sure there is a way to make it work.
As for the tray icon right-click menu, I placed the options in that order because I keep Video in Picture running and like to have the options that I use more closer to the mouse when the menu opens up (my taskbar is on the bottom of the screen). However, I can see where it can be beneficial to invert the menu (ie: taskbar on the top of the screen). I will add an option to the settings panel to invert the menu.

Does this require a tabbed browser? I know some people stuck with IE6 (the poor suckers) that would enjoy this...

Also, I am not sure if this is a side-effect of FF 3 RC 1, but I get this oddball setup when I try to pull a youtube video (see image)...
-wreckedcarzz (May 25, 2008, 12:30 AM)
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I tried DetachVideo using IE 7 and Youtube. There is a problem when I close the detached video Window: the Youtube video doesn't go back to its original position on the browser. Can some explain how DetachVideo goes about finding the Youtube video? I understand the gist of the source code but I don't see how it actually finds the handle to the Youtube video?


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