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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

Locate 3.0 - great *FAST* HD search tool!

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Carol Haynes:
Thanks - by the way you need to update your weblink (in your profile) as it still points to the defunct version of your site. Why not add a signature with a logo to the LOCATE32 website so that people know you.

You have a great utility which I use everyday - and it is brilliant that you take an active interest in what is going on over here too  :Thmbsup: :-*

Now the website is updated, thank you for reminding me.

btw. f0dder, what is going on with those unicode related things in locate.exe?

Turning off tooltips and "Show type specified icons" did the trick - but of course now there's only two icon types, "generic file" and "folder"; I do like visual clues for RAR archives, .chm files, et cetera... but obviously it would be a bit tricky to support that, as the default "get icon" API from windows also looks at .exe files to extract default icon etc.

Wrt. unicode output in locate.exe I put it a bit on hold, after realizing that Okke's plugin might not actually need any updating at all - but a lot of FARR would have to be rewritten >_<. I can brush up the modification a bit and commit to the repository, since unicode display would be nice to have for console users nonetheless.

I can brush up the modification a bit and commit to the repository, since unicode display would be nice to have for console users nonetheless.
-f0dder (January 12, 2008, 07:12 AM)
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It would be nice if you do that.

But anyway, I tried to unplug my server and opened Locate32. Locate32 did hang on couple of seconds! I'll check that what Locate32 it is doing.
-jmj (January 11, 2008, 10:56 AM)
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This does not happen here anymore when the latest version is in usehere. Carol Haynes, could you try that?


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