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IDEA: web shortcut that goes to already open tab if open


Right now my shortcut to gmail will open a new tab even if I already have it open in a tab (firefox).  Things would be faster if the shortcut could just go to the one that's already loaded.  I figured this would already be in existence, but I can't find it.


This might not be the solution you are looking for. But I've put together a very basic AutoHotKey script which will switch to already running Firefox and press ctrl+1. Why 1? Because I always place Gmail in the first tab of Firefox.

Save the following as FirstTabFirefox.ahk:

--- ---#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
IfWinExist Mozilla Firefox
    WinActivate, Mozilla Firefox
WinWaitActive, Mozilla Firefox
Send {Ctrl Down}1{Ctrl Up}


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