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Thread removed

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I add a third to the fact that threads should not just disappear unless under extreme circumstances.

Carol Haynes:
If there is a SPAM bin and the threads are edited and clearly marked with "DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS SPAMMER" in the thread title and in the offending post right along side their SPAM link then indexing for search engines would have a really positive effect!

It would be nice to know who's spamming also.

If there is a SPAM bin and the threads are edited and clearly marked with "DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS SPAMMER" in the thread title and in the offending post right along side their SPAM link then indexing for search engines would have a really positive effect!
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not a bad idea at all.

Perry Mowbray:
If there is a SPAM bin and the threads are edited and clearly marked with "DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS SPAMMER" in the thread title and in the offending post right along side their SPAM link then indexing for search engines would have a really positive effect!-Carol Haynes (May 22, 2008, 05:05 PM)
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Absolutely agree Carol. I think the best way is to render them innocuous then put them on display: sort of a modern Hung, Drawn and Quartered.


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