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Bits - ActMask - Drive Encryption - problems in encyption claims

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My stance on this stuff is always try it... *shrugs*  I'm sure some vetting is done, but to get software deals every day, sometimes something of questionable quality is going to slip through.  Personally, I instantly look past most of the offerings in this vein.

I visited the developer's homepage to learn more about the product.  There's virtually nothing there -- only the same stuff that is reprinted at GAOTD.  With something as ciritcal as encryption, I'd want more information about the product.  Frankly, I'd be scared to install and use it.-TomColvin (May 10, 2008, 11:24 AM)
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Amen to that!

And how that TrueCrypt supports Full-Disk Encryption of boot volumes, I wouldn't even consider anything else.

And how that TrueCrypt supports Full-Disk Encryption of boot volumes, I wouldn't even consider anything else.
-f0dder (May 11, 2008, 06:52 PM)
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Hey f0dder!

I take it from your comment that you have used True Crypt for Full Disk Encryption?  I have used it on a USB Flash drive, but I was holding off on trying it on any of my hard drives until there was more available in the way of user reviews saying how well it wiorked for them.

Is it working well for you?



I use full-disk encryption on my external harddrive, and I've played around with boot-partition encryption in vmware - which, so far, works just fine.

I haven't done any speed-hit benchmarks though, and those would be interesting; with my CPU, the encryption should be able to run at full disk bandwidth without problems, so the question is if there's any programmatic bottlenecks in the TrueCrypt driver.


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