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IDEA - Request for 1 Firefox Extension - These 3 Tab-Related Functions

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you're welcome, cathodera! and if you're into wow-effects, also check out Tab Scope. :)

and if what lanux wrote wows you, check out (not related to tabs though)

Thank You! I have bookmarked interclue, although I know in my heart that like the Power Pro thing, it is probably more firepower than I truly need.

I have my reading cut out for me, I have decided that the best way to make amends to Tab Mix Plus for my previous cavalier attitude is to get to know it, and that is keeping me busy.

You know I came here thinking it would be a good place to help me in my mission to streamline and downsize, yet everywhere I turn, there is something tempting me to go back to my old ways and download first and ask questions later.

But I will be strong, and resist.

You know the shopping rule about not letting yourself buy it unless you can name at least 3 existing outfits that it will truly improve and go with?

Well, I am doing a similar thing here. Before I download it, whatever it is, I  have to study it enough to know that it will replace something I already have, preferably more than one thing. And  do so with a daintier footprint and appetite.

It is a daunting challenge. We will see how long I can stick to it  :P

Additional to TMP, I also use ChromaTabs so that the color of the tab is related to the color of the favicon.  Makes it easier to find groups of tabs that are from the same site...

Do note that there used to be incompatibilities between ChromaTab and TMP, and it required some hacking of the .xpi files to get it working.  Not sure if the latest version still has this issue as I think I'm still using the hacked ChromaTab xpi..


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