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Other Software > Developer's Corner

batch file question re cmd + color


For anyone still using batch files...
I customized the colors/font of my cmd window (on XP) by clicking the titlebar and changing Properties>Colors.
When I use my right click menu to 'open command prompt here" I get the colors I want.
I also have a batch file that opens a window with cmd /k but the colors default to black/white.
I read the color /? and cmd /? entries but did not figure out the solution - what "cmd" do I use in my batch file to open a window with the same colors/font as I get with "open command prompt here"?


From your batch file try

cmd /T:30

(from a command prompt see color /?)

Thank you mates  :Thmbsup:

I just want look out for this feature this day (for my new "RunAsAdmin.cmd")

"RunAsAdmin.cmd"@Echo off && Title Launch console as ADMIN && COLOR 1F
RUNAS /USER:Administrator "cmd /T:4F /K TITLE ADMIN RIGHTS" && "/K /F:ON /E:ON"


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