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Do you collect anything?

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First time seeing this thread.

I always thought Zaine was older, but I guess not from the picture.   ;D

I collect anything with a cat theme!

Plenty ornaments, teapots etc.

I even have a clock that meows on the hour (during daylight), and Mum bought a phone that meows..  ;D
Do you collect anything?

1.  Books collect me   ;)

2.  I "collect" family history.  I set out to explore our family's history when I retired 10 years ago - direct relations, and people that I had heard talked about as a child.  There were a few bits of information about New Zealand, and a diary kept by one of my great grandmothers.  One of my projects has been to collect information about the people, places and things named therein.  As at today's date I seem to have about 2900 records of individuals, plus a great deal of background information from various sources.  This has also led to the "collection" of people, so that I am now in email contact with distant (distant in relationship and distant as in half a world away) people of whose existence I had no idea when I started.

But I do not know if this "counts" as a collection in the sense intended.   :(

Edit : 28 Apr 2008 :  Since writing the above 2 more unknowns of the "collection" have popped up - one from UK and t'other from New Zealand.

I don't collect all things. I just check it, if it's important , I collect to my ( read stuffs, reference stuffs ) That's all ^^. Just let it simple, you collect much you'll be overwhelmed when you search information  :Thmbsup:

Yes, I seem to collect dust these days  :(


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