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Mikogo: share screen or access remote PC

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I'm using the opportunity we have Steffen here and I'd like to ask about one problem. Just now I discovered the Mikogo Skype Extra--this seems to me miraculously simple to use, exactly for the purposes mentioned above. However, when trying to use it, the only result I always get is "Invalid input parameters" message. I tried it on two machines, one running WinXP SP2, the other Vista Business, both with Skype

More, during installation and the first run the application didn't ask for permission to use Skype (as explained in the manual), and it's not listed in the "Manage API Access Control" list.

Thanks in advance for any idea, Steffen.
-yksyks (May 02, 2008, 03:34 PM)
--- End quote ---

Thanks for informing me of this. Another user mentioned this as well, and we have discovered the source of the problem. The Mikogo extra is currently not functioning properly on the new version of Skype which was released on the 29th April

There is a new thread about this on the Mikogo forum:
However it is still working perfectly on the older versions of Skype.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. You can be assured that we are doing our best now to overcome this problem ASAP.

In regards to the application not asking for your permission, it could have something to do with the new version of Skype. However its more likely that you have already accepted to allow the extra to access Skype, and therefore it doesn't ask you again.

We're looking into the situation for you.


Thanks, Steffen. That was what I expected. For technical reasons I'm not going to downgrade my Skype installation, I'll wait for your solution instead. Fortunately, someone already posted the mentioned link on the Skype Extras site.

Thanks Curt (and Stephen). I'll have a look at mikogo -- like mrainey I need something like that to help my parents...

Carol Haynes:
Been trying this and think it is a great app. Well done Steffen

used this today to help a friend out.

crossloop failed to work with his machine so mikago gets a big  :Thmbsup: from me now.


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