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Stellent viewers.. what exactly are they?

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Thanks for the post, Curt. I have QV Plus 10 installed, not 9... As for the pricing - crazy! DId you try selecting US dollars as the currency for the transaction?

US $ . One thing, though, is that the prices that I found for version 10, started at $46 + VAT, not at $40. We really should try to get a rebate for DC, or maybe QuickView Plus 10 is just one of those programs that doesn't come cheap, so to speak... (lots of pun intended).

edited for spelling

Ouch! You're right, Curt. They've upped the pricing for this version. Foul play in my opinion! I thought $39 was steep... I guess it depends on how much you think you'd use the Outlook and browser plugins. There are some competing products, but to my knowledge they're all at a similar price point (or higher), feature fewer viewers and aren't as "slick". I'm also unclear on whether or not the alternatives work with Dopus and other File Management options.


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