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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Programming in the Linux operating system: where to start?

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Python's rightful place is as C++'s slave :P (it's great to add scripting functionality to c++ applications, but I wouldn't write the actual application in it.)

But that's just me I guess ;)

Python is just fine on Windows, works like a charm.

I probably wouldn't use the language for developing full applications, but it's great for scripts and stuff that needs a bit more power than a simple shell script. Python + pycurl + regular expressions make it very comfortable to do all sorts of data mining :)

All joking aside, when it comes to learning how to program, I don't think anybody could go wrong with Python. It's main mission in life is to be easy to use. You can always move to another language easily is your interests change.

Should you really start with something easy when learning to program though?
It's probably best to start at the lowest level possible (asm?) and move up from there, so you get a good understanding of each level of programming and generation of programming language. It's probably too easy to develop bad habits otherwise.

dont start with assembly. don't stop at assembly, just keep on walking past masochism alley.  find a high-level language you like and start there.


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