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Gridmove Source Code


I have downloaded the sourcecode (.zip) multiple times and tried to expand it with Windows Vista, 32, 64 and WinZip.  Each time it reports and error, that nothing is actually in the zip.  How do I view the source?


Oh man, someone reported that through mail too.
I wonder why this is happening, apparently it's 7zip's fault.

Do you have a recent version of winzip or winrar?
I have a recent winrar, and a recent Alzip, and both work perfectly.

Hmm, I wonder why the files that come with the ZIP are compressed using the LZMA method. That's the compression scheme 7Z format uses as a default, AFAIK there's no way to create a ZIP file that way. Anyway, that's why none of those mentioned apps can open it. Use a recent version of 7-Zip or WinRAR or <insert your favourite compression app here capable of handling the 7-Zip format> and you'll be safe.

Or bug jgpaiva to recompress the files using the Deflate algorithm :)

It is a 7-zip archive that is improperly named. Just change it from to GridMove.7z and you will be good to go.

Thanks for the tip, tinjaw!
Ok, hopefully it is now properly compressed :)


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