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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

MiniReview of Linkman URL Organizer and Search Tool

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@Ken or Outertech Support:

The method for adding URL's using the deskbar is fairly simple, except for one aspect, and I have not yet found a quick remedy:  Clicking the globe w/Link icon auto adds the URL to my bookmarks, but it goes to whichever folder is highlighted in the Linkman window, which is, of course, not visible when adding URLs.  If I wanted to add the bookmark to a specific folder in my bookmarks (actually my Linkman bookmarks), how do I accomplish this without opening the main Linkman interface?

That is probably the one thing I would miss by not using the Firefox extension "OpenBook".  It's dialog has a smaller representation of my Fx Bookmarks folder contents and I can quickly navigate to the directory/sub-directory where I would like to place the URL I am trying to add. Screen Cap below:
 (see attachment in previous post)

-J-Mac (April 25, 2008, 03:11 PM)
--- End quote ---

Hey Jim,

Very good question. The way I have dealt with this is to Add and Edit, rather than just adding. That way I can immediately put it where I want instead of wherever it was last set.

Hope this helps!


Thanks Ken!

However this could make saving bookmarks kind of a longer process.  Hopefully there is a quicker way to which Support can alert us. Otherwise I will be adding significant time to my bookmarking efforts.  Though in actuality, I currently do need to take a hard look at my bookmark organization, mainly due to not being real careful what and where I save.

Thanks again!


Problem: I just opened Linkman to its full window and - nothing is there.  Nothing at all.

What happened to my bookmarks I had saved last night?  Last night I had imported my Firefox bookmarks file and they were all showing in Linkman.  When I first sat at my computer today Linkman was running in Deskbar mode and I would have thought that it would still have all in there that I had imported, plus what I added last night.

Hopefully the Outertech guy will reply and tell me how to get them open.

Is it required to manually save every so often?  Nothing is auto-saved?  My computer rebooted sometime during the very early morning hours after a scheduled maintenance task ran - but that is the case daily. If I must save everything manually before a reboot, then that IS a deal-killer!


OK - I imported my Firefox bookmarks again and the ones saved last night in Linkman are there.  Whew!!  :)

I'm reading through the Help file and PDF manual again, a little more closely now.  But some of this I would expect to be more easily determined right in the UI.  Also, a lot of times the documentation refers only to the Internet Explorer Favorites and the Netscape bookmarks.  I think a lot of the help doc material has been around for quite a while...

I do think it is great that it has such a detailed PDF manual available, though the Help file is a little sparse.  Some items I searched for and got the "Not Found" ding. Also the manual goes into a lot of the basics, and is lengthy mostly because of the large number of screenshots - which I actually think is very good.  However some things like the database locations are not shown at all.  I was going through all the Application Data folders over and over, plus the Program Files folder - only to find it is kept in My Docs!  Not a bad choice at all, though so many developers still insist on using the Program Files folder that I didn't think to look on My Docs first.

Also, the Settings dialog...  This might be one for that website of Settings designs that need improvement.  Tabs down the right side and settings seem a bit, scattered? It will take getting used to!



Outertech Support:
Linkman has been updated to (from .21).

All problems with recognizing Firefox or SeaMonkey as default system browsers have been corrected.

There are aliases that point always to the latest builds:


I'll answer the remaining questions later today.


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