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Kodak (Complaint)

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Carol Haynes:
Sounds like BLOG time to me ... let us know when it is posted I am sure others here would happily DIGG it and spread the word!

Well done finding all your photos.

I must admit this is one of the reasons I really don't like software that 'organises' anything in any sort of automated way. Unfortunately huge numbers of photo organisers do this and at best you end up with a disc full of confusing multiple copies. Yours is the worst case scenario!

Sounds like BLOG time to me ... let us know when it is posted I am sure others here would happily DIGG it and spread the word!-Carol Haynes (May 09, 2008, 03:56 AM)
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But what part to blog about? I've already written in fairly great detail the many technical, hardware, and customer service problems I've had with Kodak in this thread. I could go into more detail about the software, for instance how all the shortcuts linked to Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures/Kodak/randomnumber.jpg but there wasn't even an All Users/Documents folder, much less the pictures where it said they were.

And besides that, I don't really have an established blog.

Carol Haynes:
Takes less than 2 minutes to set up a blog at

What you have experienced with Kodak needs a campaign to combat their complacency and stupidity. Seems to me a campaign needs a focus point.

I am not sure a thread on a forum dedicated to coding is the place to wage the campaign (much as I think you are right). By all means recruit people here and elsewhere to support your cause. I will certainly add my name to a campaign against such shoddy treatment and crap software (EasyShare stayed on my system for about 2 hours before I uninstalled it).

What do others think?

What you have experienced with Kodak needs a campaign to combat their complacency and stupidity. Seems to me a campaign needs a focus point.

What do others think?
-Carol Haynes (May 09, 2008, 05:53 AM)
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I think Deozaan needs to find others who've had problems with Kodak, in order to add weight to his complaint. A blog is probably a good starting point for that.

Look what I found:

Consumer Complaints about Kodak.


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