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Before you install it run MSCONFIG and stop all startup items and non-MS services from loading at boot. Then restart you machine. This will make sure you haven't got anything MS can complain about running during the update. Once everything is finished, rebooted etc. and settled go back to MSCONFIG and select 'Normal Startup' on the first tab and reboot.

Good luck.
-Carol Haynes (May 02, 2008, 05:11 AM)
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Thanks :)
I'll have to wait for my notebook though. The PC I'm typing this from is most probably 'overpatched'. The other machine wouldn't know what to do with SP3 (Linux). I thought of installing it on some of the computers at my uni (State). They're all registered to Mr/Ms iLLusion. Hope they crash beyond recovery.
I'm very well aware of where I live and what Thailand is famous for. I can even understand if a private individual installs fake software as many people would have to save a year to buy the real stuff. But the government? End of rant. Sorry, very sorry for being off topic.

My notebook is still at HP cos I live in a country where replacing a battery and a charger, still under guaranty, takes two weeks.
-biox (May 02, 2008, 04:54 AM)
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Two weeks? Luxury! I've had this done on three different notebooks in Canada and it's never taken less than three weeks. OTOH, I had a systemboard replaced in a notebook when I lived in the UK and they picked it up (in Canada I've had to ship notebooks myself or take them into a store to have them shipped), repaired it and returned it within 3 days!

EDIT: replaced a few errant words  :o

Carol Haynes:
3 weeks ... luxury

ASUS(UK) take up to 12 weeks to replace a mobo under warranty (and you have to pay the shipping costs).

12 weeks... luxury !

I have...  ;D

12 weeks... luxury !

I have...  ;D
-Armando (May 02, 2008, 09:50 AM)
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I've been waiting eight years for the return of my abacus  ;)


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