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mwb1100 - here you go, sp3 download on the microsoft site, googled win xp sp3 and the first link took me here
-kip (March 10, 2008, 04:31 PM)
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I think you misunderstand - I wasn't looking for SP3.  What I was saying is that Microsoft should have a way to easily identify a particular build number for an installed version of SP3  - v.3311 in this instance - (or whatever, for that matter) as being a Beta, Release Candidate, or official release, even though it may not make sense to to have a Release Candidate identify themselves as such since an RC should be able to turn into an official release with zero changes.

By the way - that link is for a white paper about SP3, it's not the SP3 download itself, which as far as I can tell is still at RC2 stage.

Here we go again!

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate 2 Refresh - Now Available On Windows Update


We must remember to also pay attention to the build numbers; this one is 5508.

... The application to enable download of XP SP3 RC2 Refresh is the same application as was used to distribute XP SP3 RC2. This is an application that can be found at the Microsoft Download Center. Running this application on a machine with Windows XP Service Pack 2 will enable Windows Update to offer XP SP3 RC2 Refresh to that machine. Build to build upgrades are not supported for this beta release, so if you have installed XP SP3 RC1 or XP SP3 RC2, please uninstall it before running this application. We strongly recommend that only this application be used to obtain RC2 Refresh and that evaluation and feedback be based solely on releases provided directly by Microsoft. ...

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Can someone tell me why SP3 is stuck in no man's land? Is Microsoft trying to run out the clock on this OS or what?

Can someone tell me why SP3 is stuck in no man's land? Is Microsoft trying to run out the clock on this OS or what?
-zridling (March 26, 2008, 10:19 PM)
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They left it to the IE developer group to oversee its distribution?


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