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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

OK - lets get to know each other... who are you, what do you do, where from?

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Really nice to have you here, Charles!

welcome charles and sable.  hahahah sable great pic  ;D

Well, hallo from Stockton-on-Tees in NE England.  I am just carrying out my assignments as tasked.  This is what I have just posted in my "profile" :

Retired, but blogging.  Retired C of E Clergyman, one wife, two children, three grandchildren, and four coronary artery bypass grafts. Like Moses, I keep on taking the tablets.  Born 1933.  Served in Royal Air Force for 20 years altogether.  Made Deacon (C of E) 1974, Priest 1975. Retired 1998 - Hooray !

And that is probably quite enough.   ;)

Simply put, you have my respect, which is due you.

Carol Haynes:
Well, hallo from Stockton-on-Tees in NE England.  I am just carrying out my assignments as tasked.
-zxcvbn (January 23, 2007, 05:43 PM)
--- End quote ---

Welcome zxvbn .... strange name but hey ...

Actually we are practically neighbours (in the scale of as I only live down the road in Wensleydale and used to commu8te to Stockton to work !


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