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What annoys you to no end?

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I always try to buy what I can in person. But some things, like really hard to find items have to be ordered online, and what really gets me hot under the collar is:
Online stores that take your orders after you've
*finally found what you wanted
*shopped around for a good price
*given them your email address (I know, disposable email addresses - it looks like a PITA. Maybe I'll learn how to do that, someday.)
*given out your mailing address (can't do this without worrying about junk mail)
*given them your credit card number (yeah, yeah, it's "secure", like the massive hacks that have involved tens of thousands of customers at once)
*accepted their crappy shipping terms (will ship 1n 3-5 working days? (Well, fine, I've gone this far...let's just finish this transaction)
and worst of all,
*given them your money

only to find out, days later, that the items you ordered were out of stock - oops - but they'll order it for you (um, didn't I just do that??), then tell you to wait another 10 days to receive your products. No wonder nothing was marked "out of stock" on their web site - there is no stock!

People making money acting as middlemen - without disclosing who they are and the real wait time - IMO -are thieves. Sometimes it's too little, too late.
Yes, I could cancel the transaction & start over, but that's pretty disappointing, and really annoying, too.

Drive thru's which block you in so you can't get out when you find out "Our ice cream machine isn't working". ARGH!!!!!!!!
-Josh (May 30, 2009, 04:20 PM)
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Similarly, dying of thirst, driving around for 40 minutes obsessively trying to hunt down an Icee (must have!), soooooo happy you've finally found a place that sells them, then being told the machine is off because it's "sort of cloudy today".


A drive thru where you literally cannot understand a word they say over the loudspeaker!
Cashiers, please: You can talk too fast, string all your muffled words together into one long incoherent sound, or have a really thick accent. But all three and I'm lost. Add to that the usual crappy sound from the speaker, it gets annoying.

Drive thru's which block you in so you can't get out when you find out "Our ice cream machine isn't working". ARGH!!!!!!!!
-Josh (May 30, 2009, 04:20 PM)
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Never happened to me, but that sure does sound annoying!  The schadenfreude in me is making me chuckle as I think about it...  It might have made a nice little sub-plot on the old Seinfeld show - I can envision George Costanza doing something pretty funny in that situation.   They had one about a standoff over a parking spot, so why not this?

i've just remembered something that really does annoy me:

bloggers (well, any online writers) that don't put the publishing date on their articles and posts.

they may believe their content to be so important that it's going to be valid until the end of time - personally, i'd like to know when it was created so i can put it into context with any other articles i may look at.

my blood is starting to boil just thinking about how inconsiderate it is to not bother including the date.

i'm still having an annoying day...

i find this very annoying - and dumb:

online videos that only have two zoom/view settings, i.e. small, on the page that contains them or full screen.

how about having them resizable or, at least, being able to select something other than full screen.

how long has video been around on the web, and it's still only got two viewing sizes - this planet is retarded!

right, i've found you can insert "_popup" after the word "watch" in youtube urls so they'll fit to the insides or your browser window.

another edit:
i've realised there's a universal way of doing this for all onilne vids that have embed tags see here:


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