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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

How many germs are living on your keyboard?

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Ok, this is kind of gross...

My daughter sent me this link.

Answer the quiz and post your results.

Here is my disgusting results  :-[ :

There are about 2,561,580 germs on your keyboard right now!
That's equivalent to the number of germs on 512 toilet seats.
--- End quote ---

Results below. Mind you, mine are mostly good germs  :D

There are about 2,067,240 germs on your keyboard right now!
That's equivalent to the number of germs on 413 toilet seats.
--- End quote ---


Since I'm an expert on the human anatomy (my browsing habits bear testament to this) I can tell you with full authority that that's nothing compared to the number of germs inside us.

Dr. Nosh

There are about 1,483,020 germs on your keyboard right now!
That's equivalent to the number of germs on 297 toilet seats.
--- End quote ---


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