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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Making a router biased to a certain PC?

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And if your router is supported, here's exactly what you need to do.  :up:

Thanks for the replies everyone! I went into the router's settings and over to the QoS tab, and made my PC (via MAC address) a "High" priority. Will be able to test it out tomorrow. :)


Remember that parents have less technical ways to make the routers biased to their PCs if they suspect something...

... or know how to read forums ;)

Remember that parents have less technical ways to make the routers biased to their PCs if they suspect something...

... or know how to read forums ;)
-Lashiec (January 21, 2008, 02:10 PM)
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While you may have a point, I don't think my dad (as bad as this sounds) would think to try anything to see what the new internet slowdown was. He knows how to type, click, and turn it on. Thats about it. :P

And in addition to that, I am the family "tech guy" and have everything related to technology in my room. It isn't like he can come over and subtly mess with it (if he can tell what it looks like then that is a surprise in itself).

Remember that parents have less technical ways to make the routers biased to their PCs if they suspect something...
-Lashiec (January 21, 2008, 02:10 PM)
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