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Coollector 2.0: freeware for movie lovers

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Cool Hector:
I'm very happy to announce the release of Coollector 2.0.

Coollector is a Windows program, completely free and very easy to use.

If you're at all interested in movies, you should give it a try.

It's the exceptional combination of 4 features:

+ Personalized Movie Encyclopedia
+ Database of Existing Videos
+ Collection Organizer
+ Best Price Finder

The swiss knife of movie lovers ;)

My website:

Congratulations on the release -- and welcome to the site  :Thmbsup:

Cool Hector:
Thank you very much for your kind welcome !

I feel like I'll like it here  :up:

Quick question: i see it can track movies you own, want to buy etc.

Can you also track movies you have rented/seen without polluting your collection (i.e. it is easy to make the difference between owned, wanted and "just" seen)?

So few book/film cataloguing tools support anything like this, if yours does I'll be downloading it tonight and will rave about it for weeks :)

Cool Hector:
Can you also track movies you have rented/seen without polluting your collection (i.e. it is easy to make the difference between owned, wanted and "just" seen)?
-iphigenie (January 16, 2008, 03:28 AM)
--- End quote ---

Absolutely !

You can rate ALL the movies you've seen (from excellent down to awful). A movie you haven't rated is supposed to be a movie you haven't seen.

The movies you own simply have their title underlined, while the movies you've loaned have an icon to show it.

With Coollector, you not only track your possessions. With Coollector, the personalized movie encyclopedia reflects your whole cinematographical culture and taste !

That's the big difference compared to other collection managers. Because, you try hard not to buy bad movies, of course. But to know which movies you don't like is also an important information !


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