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I just recently stumbled in - I found a link to Point Motivator at LifeHacker.

So far the applications works just fine. But after some play, I think the following function would be helpful:

- Track point in different categories (e.g. if I want to track my progress in working out and reading). I know, you can change xml, but this a bit to much of a fuss.

- Set goals (e.g. x points a week). I think the setting of goals is an essential part of motivation.

I would like to discuss those points.

Cheers, F.
-bardamu2000 (January 07, 2008, 08:07 AM)
--- End quote ---

I have examined various goals software.
You have accomplish.
With Point Motivator you have not that duty

Is more flexible. Give more liberty.

I am not thinking exactly Point Motivator like a self help program.
Mostly like a control program of certain mode of activation or activities.
But I suppose that all is rounding the same goals (Excuse my english)
I have used for years Pop Wisdom adapted as a memory program. So perhaps I am not the ideal person to take an opinion.


At the present moment I suspect PM is not the predilect soft for Mouser, and I am supposing have some type of programming difficulty I can't analyze, but also observed that is not a buried project from his author. And I hope to help in some aspects I would like.


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