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Other Software > Developer's Corner

AHK: ClickControl with a spinner / updown buttons


I found an AHK script HERE which toggles the active screen when using a Wacom tablet in a dual screen setup.

I am new to AHK but the script looks very basic, and I would like to improve and extend it to better serve my needs. In the first instance I am trying to replace the MouseClick commands with ControlClick which seems to respond quicker(?)

One of the controls that I need to 'click' is an updown toggle.

I have tried the following...

--- ---ControlClick, msctls_updown321

--- ---ControlSend, msctls_updown321, Up
but neither work (change the value in the edit box).

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help / advice, Ampa.

--- ---;Wacom Helper
;by Ampa, from an original script by finchie.
Run C:\WINDOWS\system32\pentablet.cpl
blockinput mouse
WinWait, Pen Tablet,
IfWinNotActive, Pen Tablet, , WinActivate, Pen Tablet,
ControlClick, Button12
KeyWait Space, D
WinWait, Pen Mode Details,
ControlSend, msctls_updown321, Up
KeyWait Space, D
ControlClick, Button14
IfWinNotActive, Pen Tablet, , WinActivate, Pen Tablet,
WinClose, Pen Tablet
blockinput off

I think that controlsend is sending "up" literally (an 'u' and a 'p'). Replace it with {up}, to send the arrow up and it should solve the problem.
For more info, check here.

Ah-ha! Yes that little tip pointed me in the right direction...

Ended up targeting the editbox rather than the spinner and sending {Up} (seems to be case sensitive).

--- ---ControlSend, Edit1, {Up}

Thanks for your help.

I shall expend on my little Wacom Helper and upload to share with others when I am done.


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