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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

post your 5 most used applications in 2007 here!

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actually it's a good sign when a developer uses their own software  :up:
-mouser (December 31, 2007, 04:47 PM)
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which explains why his software is truly excellent!
-AndyM (December 31, 2007, 06:36 PM)
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one wonders how mouser's list would look like? :-\

website watcher
clipboard help+spell
launchbar commander
borland rad studio

EditPad Pro
Maxthon 2
Free Download Manager

Perry Mowbray:
Stats from [although it's not just 2007, it's still pretty indicative except I don't use Maxthon anymore]

* Firefox: Used for 140 hours, 1 minute and 36 seconds
* Microsoft Visual Studio: Used for 43 hours, 20 minutes and 42 seconds
* PSPad: Used for 31 hours, 34 minutes and 43 seconds
* Maxthon: Used for 30 hours and 14 minutes
* Microsoft Office Excel: Used for 18 hours, 19 minutes and 58 seconds


* XYplorer
* Firefox
* TheBat
* Treepad
* SoftmakerOffice


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