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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Windows XP Pro x64 (64-bit) Edition - Favorite Software Compatibility Thread

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great find lanux.   :up: :up: :up:
you made my day  :up:-mouser (December 31, 2007, 12:10 PM)
--- End quote ---

glad to be of help, mouser! :Thmbsup: TClock (and its derivatives) RULEZ!.. :P

Stoic Joker:
    I just popped in to say Thank You to mouser for inviting me to the forum. T-Clock x64 was compiled with MSVS2005 and is still written in C just like Kazubon's original. Considering that you can't inject a 32bit hook into a 64bit process, it is a completely 64bit application. I created it because I've always loved TClock and have used it for years ... But was planning to make the jump to Vista x64 ... and just couldn't bear to make the jump without it.

   I'm truly glad that you guys are enjoying T-Clock x64, and hopefully will be able to restart developement on it sometime this year. Currently I have some work related coding that is (and has been) taking most of my time.

Thank You,
Stoic Joker

welcome Stoic Joker! nice to have you here.. it's good to see that someone has carried on the work. :Thmbsup:

Stoic Joker!!!
Great to see you here.  And again, thank you so much for making this.  Working like an absolute champ here, i love it.

Just chiming in to say TClock has replaced alfaclock on my tray :)
It's lighter, and the "click on tray = show calendar" works better!


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