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AccuTicket v1.0 - Free Ticketing Software


AccuTicket is a free ticketing application for concerts and/or events. The interface is easy to use, enabling quick creation and validation of tickets. Tickets can either be invalidated or deleted, once entered. If a ticket is invalidated, it will be marked as invalid, and that it has already been validated. If it is deleted, it can not be recovered for future use.

This program will be updated to include interface changes, updates, and the ability to sell tickets, as in a point of sale system.

AccuTicket v1.0 - Free Ticketing Software
AccuTicket v1.0 - Free Ticketing Software
AccuTicket v1.0 - Free Ticketing Software

**This program was developed in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and the .NET Framework 3.5 is required to use AccuTicket. It can be downloaded from Microsoft at the below address:

**This first version of AccuTicket focuses on the code and general functionality, less on the interface. This will be improved in the next release, along with bug fixes or feature enhancements.

**The installer places files in the C:\AccuTicket folder. The program stores tickets in the C:\AccuTicket\Tickets folder. The tickets must remain in the C:\AccuTicket\Tickets folder.


cool stuff  :up:

(ps i have a real pet peeve against apps that install onto the root drive like C:\APPNAME)
why not try using a good free installer like Inno Setup.

I do use Inno Setup for the installer. It has to be installed to this directory, as the program itself is coded in a way that it requires that folder (for the tickets). I do not know how to set it up so it would be able to run from any folder. It is just a result of me not being an very experienced programmer.


If you can issue API calls from your programming environment, you can use GetModuleFileName(0, buffer, lengthof(buffer)) to get the full pathname of your EXE file. Then you strip out the filename component, and you have the path-we're-running-from. Alternatively if you're coding in C/C++, you can use argv[0] instead of the API call.

Then, when you need to access a file, you have to concatenate the running-from path with the filename, instead of hardcoding absolute paths.

Also, if you want to play cleanly with non-administrative user accounts (required to work properly under Vista!), you should use the %APPDATA% environment variable instead of running-from path.


This is from memory, but in .NET there is a GetExecutingAssembly() function that will return the full path of the excecutable that is running.  This could be used to set/get data files.

Hope this helps.



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