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What language is the best for a new programmer to start with?

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There were also these threads with similar questions :


A few books were recommended (by f0dder and CWuestefeld):

"Effective C++" by Scott Meyers
"More Effective C++" by Scott Meyers
"Effective STL" by Scott Meyers
"C++ Coding Standards"

There was also these threads with similar questions :


A few books were recommended (by f0dder and CWuestefeld):

"Effective C++" by Scott Meyers
"More Effective C++" by Scott Meyers
"Effective STL" by Scott Meyers
"C++ Coding Standards"
-Armando (January 22, 2008, 12:07 AM)
--- End quote ---

Yeah I saw that thread, but by the time those books were mentioned it seemed to me that the conversation had moved to books beyond the beginner level and more into advanced.

Yeah, those books are beyond the beginner - but imho required for anyone who wants to get serious about C++ :)

What about C++ Primer, Fourth Edition, By Lippman, Lajoie and Moo ? Anybody worked with it?

In the past I've often turned to O'Reilly books for learning languages, but as I look over their C++ catalog it seems the only book they have for beginners is C++ The Core Language which was published in 1995. Would a book on computer languages still be useful after 13 years? There's also Practical C++ Programming published in 2002, but I can't really tell if that's a beginner book or just a "now that you know how to program C++, how about we show you how to do it properly" kind of book.

What's a good, up-to-date book on C++ for beginners?

And I'm also interested in hearing your opinions on O'Reilly books in general. The only reason I'm "loyal" to them is because my brother used them and recommended them to me back when I first started coding in 1998 or so.


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