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IDEA: Better Bookmark Manager for FireFox


This might be way too big a coding job, I'm not sure--

I would *love* to have a bookmark manager that integrates into FireFox, that is easier to use. For instance, when I'm creating a bookmark, I have so many folders  that it makes it hard to find where to put a  new bookmark; I'd like to be able to search and locate an appropriate folder easily when I'm creating a bookmark. And have a good search method, period.

Would something that tags your bookmarks be acceptable?

Tags would be great. Would I then easily be able to sort them?

If you use flock from you will have a tagging bookmark thingie built into the browser. And there are several bookmark addons available for firefox (for flock as well); however, some of these require an account with one of the many "social bookmarking" sites, for example magnolia, delicious, spurl, gmark, weave, and many more.

I admit I am not very sure whether or not there is an addon that will let you organize bookmarks with tags and doesn't require such a web service.

I used to use delicious, and then switched to magnolia, because their website looks prettier. These days I am using "GMarks" with my firefox 3 beta.

Using an online bookmark storage will let you synchronize your bookmarks too. :) But you will have to trust someone with your bookmarks.

Thanks for letting me know about that. I'd rather keep my bookmarks on my own pc, and I searched through the firefox add-ons a few months ago, but i'll do so again.


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