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The Beatles Cover Stairway to Heaven

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Carol Haynes:
Better definitive version site

Strangley my downloads from YouTube seem to be working again ??? Very odd.

Brilliant but it isn't as definitive as
-Carol Haynes (December 19, 2007, 03:01 AM)
--- End quote ---

I'm still speechless... Digeridoo???  :o

I'm with Reneagde - wow! The Rolf Harris version is incredible - he owns STH! I just wish that the whole performance was in that clip - probably available if I looked hard enough. The faux Beatles one is really well done as well...

Carol Haynes:
Darwin look two posts up - that is the whole Rolf version, though a rather stayed studio production.

Here is it again:

To be fair, Rolf did say that when someone suggested he should release the song as a single he had never even heard of it (and didn't listen to LZ before going to the studio). He became something of a student cult figure at the time and appeared at numerous rock festivals. He's taken a lot of stick but I think he is a really genuine guy (now in his seventies) who has never taken himself seriously and has amused generation of bewildered UK children with his whaky art work and wobble-board.

Personally I think LZ should have invited him as a guest star at the reunion concert ;)

some background on this -

it was originally performed on an Australian TV show called The Money or The Gun <see here>

It was a comedy show in the early to mid 90's and each episode closed with a band or performer doing a cover of Stairway To Heaven (some were more memorable than others...)

There was a video available featuring 25 performances though I believe it may be out of 'print' (?)


Free Dowwnload Manager handles YouTube vids (and a few others), and does conversion on download (if you want/need that)



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