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[.13] there is no CANCEL in Settings dialog


[.13] there is no CANCEL in Settings dialog...
even if i leave with the [X] button the modifications are taken.

I mean, one should be able to play around in settings
and leave the dialog by canceling the modifcations.

i miss an [Cancel]-button.


yes, this is a flaw in my programs, i really need to start making the settings dialogs able to cancel without taking effect.
i'm afraid that its a bit hard currently to add that to my existing programs though :(

Carol Haynes:
As a simple way to add this feature (an interim cludge) how about forcing the program to backup the INI file when options are launched, delete the backup on OK and restore it on Cancel or Close ??

actually your suggestion is even easier than you say, since the settings arent saved immediately,
so on cancel i could simply reload the settings of interest from the last config file.

Carol Haynes:
 :up: Glkad I am useful for something  :-[


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