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What's Your Favorite Productivity or Programming Supplement?

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Everything, All The Time!

It used to be coffee & cigarettes in the morning on up till beer & cigarettes in the evening. But I quit drinking. Sobriety sucks. These have been the longest 31 days of my life! I haven't been sober since high school!

If you're of the "my body is a temple" persuasion, go away. 
-Ralf Maximus (November 28, 2007, 06:30 AM)
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My secret mix seems to be Coffee, Diet Cherry Cola, and Techno music.
-tinjaw (November 28, 2007, 06:57 AM)
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+1 for techno! Or Slayer... Or techno covers of Slayer... If I had any of those... I'd love to get a rave version of "Hell Awaits" or "Angel of Death". But Slayer still has some pretty funky tunes that are almost danceable... "South of Heaven" has a lot like that. I do have an Orbital cover of "Fade to Black", but that's Metallica and I'm scared they'll sue me for listening to it, so I just won't tell you that I listen to it so that nobody knows that I like metal techno covers. Or is that techno metal covers?

Oh - Did I mention the 8 hour Zarbizarre mix? (seems to be an error there at the moment - should be good later though) Now THAT'S a code-a-thon! :)

Oh - Did I mention the 8 hour Zarbizarre mix?
-Renegade (November 28, 2007, 07:28 AM)
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Yep. Apparently you stopped remembering things when you stopped drinking.  :P I'm happy to hear that you have that under control. We all have horror stories about friends and family that don't. I send good karma your way. Keep it up. Oh, I've heard some pretty good mashups of techno and metal. I haven't kept track of them, but I'll start to as I hear them again.

as a tea drinking snob i object to coffee and tea being lumped together.
i think they should be separated.

Where is chocolate?  >:(

yeah really where is the chocolate and candy ?


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