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Genuinely stupid laws - that still APPLY !!

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Carol Haynes:
This had me rolling about ...

I want to know how Indonesia enforce their law ?

i quite like this one. we should adopt it worldwide.

In Milan, it is a legal requirement to smile at all times, except during funerals or hospital visits (5%)
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some good ones there allright ;D

Ralf Maximus:
It is illegal for a woman to be topless in Liverpool except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (6%)

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"My husband is just CRAZY about tropical fish.  Why he spends all weekend at the pet store sometimes..."

As a personal aside, I find this law deeply disturbing and discriminatory towards the working nude.  I think it's time we organized protest marches and rallies to increase public awareness.  As soon as winter is over.

Here is a well known law from my home state of New Jersey, that is enforced, and makes us kind of an odd-ball state:

It is against the law here to pump your own gas.


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