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Pet Peeve: I will never buy a rechargeable mouse again for as long as i live

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At home, I'm using the computer at all hours of the day and night, so there's no consistent time to put the mouse in the cradle.  I can see that becoming a problem.
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-mouser (December 17, 2008, 01:09 PM)
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Well... I think what I'd wind up doing is getting into the habit of putting the mouse in the charger whenever I got up to leave my desk. Just add it to the routine that includes, in my case, pushing the keyboard drawer in and turning off the light  :Thmbsup:

Yeah, I'd probably do that also, Darwin.  I'm with mouser as far as the cradles go, but unless there's a better mouse than the MX, I need to get that!

...unless there's a better mouse than the MX, I need to get that!
-superboyac (December 17, 2008, 01:57 PM)
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Don't get me started (I'll be off - in a blizzard - to buy one given the slightest provocation. Bad for my finances and my marriage  :o ;D)!

Personally, i go for the wired mice, but when sitting in the class, it's not quite as practical, and the wireless mouse i have is much easier to carry around and manage... Though, a week or two ago or something, when i was about to fire up a nice round of Alien Shooter: Vengeance do some veeeeeeeeeery important schoolwork, the mouse just didn't do anything. To my horror, it had ran out of power, and i had no batteries within a one mile radius. So i had to resort to... *Gasp* ... Touchpad. And less mouse-intensive games fewer cursor movements on the programs. And frankly, that sucked. There is also this little problem with the mouse having a sub-par signal strength, so if it's too far away from the USB thingy (which i conveniently place on the opposite side of my mousing hand, placing a laptop in between) or if anything blocks the signal, it can get all screwy. That's probably just this mouse though, but still, having to switch batteries from time to time bugs me... Especially when i forget to bring new batteries. I have to admit that not having a wire attached is a lot easier to manage in class though. As if people tripping over my power cord wasn't enough...

P.S. But really, i only game in the breaks. Also, forgive me if I'm out of context, didn't read page 2.

Wired or Wireless? Personally I don't mind Wireless, but I'd never have both keyboard and mouse/trackball wireless. If both fail at the same time.. can have some problems.
I can't stand mice either where I get a choice, Trackballs all the way.

..I have a wired trackball (can't find a L handed one) always plugged in on the right just in case...-olamoree (November 20, 2007, 10:11 AM)
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Left handed? Logitech has some wired Trackballs that have the ball in the middle (Trackman Marble).

For right handers; If you can find one, grab a Logitech Cordless TrackMan Optical trackball. I've had one since I got my computer in 2003, never once failed me. New it had a range of about 5 meters (tried it at school). It's now about 5 and a half years old and still has a decent range. Rare battery changes (less than every 2 months).
left/right buttons, forward/back buttons, horizontal scroll button, scroll up/down buttons, and if you install the Logitech MouseWare software that comes with it (although I wouldn't recommend it nowadays) you even get a Click Lock button.


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