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Latest FARR Release 2.250.0 beta - Mar 23, 2020

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new release:
Version 2.60.01 - May 19, 2009

* [Feature] - Now appcap launched tools will be terminated if user triggers a new search or cancels search.
* [Feature] - Added "appcapnowait" launch command to launch an app to capture its output, but continue running launch strings without waiting for it to finish.
* [Feature] - Added "appwait" launch command to launch an app, NOT capture its output, and wait for completion before continuing.
* [Feature] - Apps run through "appcapappendmemo" and associated functions that write into memo live are now terminated if user starts a new search.
* [Feature] - Added display of extra info in statusbar as appcap and related functions are running.
* [BugFix] - Hiding slide numbers was messing up display.
* [Feature] - Added keyword -history to temporarly disable, on the current search, the use of and scoring modifications from the launch history list.

hopefully i didn't break anything in this update -- i heard a report from dc member JoTo that somehow since version 2.56.02 the czb plugin pack plugins (jscalc in particular) are crashing his farr, so i'm looking into that.

the new appcap stuff (especially appcappappendmemo) should make it easier to run commandline tools and see their output in FARR window.

with v2.60.01 I now get no icon at all when disabling SlideNum, regardless if I have large or small icon mode on.
(I'm posting this to the other thread too -- just needed a post here to get notified when the thread is updated in the future  :))

hahah you know what the sad thing is -- that was on purpose.. somehow i got it into my head that i was supposed to remove both the big number and the icon.. damn it sometimes i don't know how you guys put up with me  :(

 :-* What would we do without you!


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