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IDEA: tiny statistics window for Azureus


If you don't know Azureus yet, please read

What I have in mind is a tiny window that would read the statistics file Azureus could create every (definable) x seconds and display the results in a window on the desktop. It would display download speed in one color and upload speed in a different color.

Azureus itself it able to show such gfx statistics, but only in a tab in the program. I know that many besides me are interested in a tiny window showing that info on the desktop.

By resizing this window you would change for how long the info is displayed.

Especially cool would be an option to have the program minimized to the tray icon whenever it does not detect "Azureus.exe" running (check every x seconds).

 :) If you don't want it too small, you can use WinWarden to automatically move, resize, ontop and clip the Azureus windows when it's inactive.

Activate the status tab, and try there settings:

Active     ,Azureus,,,,0,0,Right,Bottom,Off,Off,,Off,,,,,,,,Maximize

You'll find the downloads and more info at Skrommel Software.



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