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SQLNotes...what is it exactly?

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A question for you PPLaundry. Although it is a *HUGE* reason to buy SQLNotes, as it would take thousands and thousands of manhours of coding to do, but would you say that SQLnotes is like taking MSAcess and pre--building hundreds, or thousands, of customizable views? I am asking, because I am trying to understand what is at the raw core of SQLnotes.

I think you forgot the "spouse filter". :P  Depending on whether or not the spouse is in the room also filters out what gets displayed on the computer screen.  ;)
-tinjaw (December 03, 2007, 12:24 PM)
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The filter has a toggle button, which can be used to quickly change the grid content if desired   ;D
-PPLandry (December 03, 2007, 12:26 PM)
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What? No free cameras, motion detectors and highly sophisticated facial recognition plugin to automate it for you?  :D

A question for you PPLaundry. Although it is a *HUGE* reason to buy SQLNotes, as it would take thousands and thousands of manhours of coding to do, but would you say that SQLnotes is like taking MSAcess and pre--building hundreds, or thousands, of customizable views? I am asking, because I am trying to understand what is at the raw core of SQLnotes.-tinjaw (December 03, 2007, 12:29 PM)
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No, the concept is very different. In Access, you work with tables. Adding fields requires to lock the table and cannot be done if other users have it opened. Linking between tables requires database knowledge. Equations must be done through code. Outlines and hierarchy is non-existant and I could go on and on.
Yes JET is used for storage, but SQLNotes and Access are very different

What? No free cameras, motion detectors and highly sophisticated facial recognition plugin to automate it for you?  :D-app103 (December 03, 2007, 12:30 PM)
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It will have an API and the data engine will be available as an ActiveX, so feel free to include that most useful feature  ;D

Let's say I take a grid, sort it just the way i want (not logically, but manually).  Is there a way to save that "state"?  Because what if I do some automatic sorting later and lose what I had arranged earlier?


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