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SQLNotes...what is it exactly?

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Suggestion for HTML pane:
I need a way to quickly apply styles of my choosing to the things I'm putting in the HTML pane.  It's too much work right now to change the fonts, sizes, bold, etc.  I need buttons or something where I can save preset styles once I've configured them.

Also, can we have a toolbar to control things like font size, font type, etc. like a normal writing application?  I find it difficult to think of it in terms of html code.  Like font sizes numbered 1-7 is weird for me, why can't we have normal font sizes like 10,12,14,etc...?  I know we can convert these to Word documents and other formats, but that's more inconvenient that directly typing in the editor.  It's easier if the html pane was more like a traditional writing application than an html editor.  Now, if we're going to use the html environment, it would be necessary to tweak to interface to behave like a traditional writing application.  Again, that means toolbars, buttons like MS Word.  I know that some of the basics are there like bold, italic buttons and outliner buttons, but the other ones for the rest of the style settings would be convenient also.  Especially some kind of drop-down box for choosing user-defined custom styles.

I quote Pierre from the IQ forum:

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I've ramped up my usage of Infoqube lately, with Armando's expert help.  I just have to make this one comment:

Infoqube is, in my personal opinion, the most important software development taking place that I know of.

This program does so much, has so much potential, and can influence so much of your life.  I hope it's something Pierre can sustain well into maturity.  The program is practically it's own operating system.

Wow !!! Thanks superboyac for such a nice testimonial.  :Thmbsup:

As far as my level of commitment to this project, no need to worry. I'll bring it to v1.0 and beyond !

Wow !!! Thanks superboyac for such a nice testimonial.  :Thmbsup:

As far as my level of commitment to this project, no need to worry. I'll bring it to v1.0 and beyond !
-PPLandry (May 03, 2010, 10:28 AM)
--- End quote ---
Glad to hear.  I've been working with Armando the last couple of weeks, and I was continually blown away by what he was able to do with the program.


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