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SQLNotes...what is it exactly?

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Now I have this setup

I add files as I start working on them
When ticked Done they go blue
When Change Requested is ticked they go Yellow and the date gets added to notes field
When I tick Checked (i.e. changes made) they go Purple and the date gets added to date field

which I'm quite happy with

some queries

when filtering do I use the Actual name of field or the column heading?

In the “Auto-assign rules” how do I change the date to just date as opposed to date/time?

Is it possible to add many files at once ? Say select 20 in filemanager, drag n drop to grid -
I'm afraid to try that in case it really screws things up

Now I have this setup

I add files as I start working on them
When ticked Done they go blue
When Change Requested is ticked they go Yellow and the date gets added to notes field
When I tick Checked (i.e. changes made) they go Purple and the date gets added to date field

which I'm quite happy with
-tomos (February 15, 2008, 10:07 AM)
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Great! If you think that this solution can help other, do not hesitate to send it to me, I'll put it in the download area.

some queries

when filtering do I use the Actual name of field or the column heading?

In the “Auto-assign rules” how do I change the date to just date as opposed to date/time?

Is it possible to add many files at once ? Say select 20 in filemanager, drag n drop to grid -
I'm afraid to try that in case it really screws things up
-tomos (February 15, 2008, 10:07 AM)
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1- Actual Field name must to be used everywhere. Heading is a display friendly caption, particularly useful as the number of fields grows
2- Auto-assign: use int(date) to get just the date
3- You can drag-drop as many files as you wish. Try it on a scrap item first (or better still in a temp database)

Great! If you think that this solution can help other, do not hesitate to send it to me, I'll put it in the download area.
-PPLandry (February 15, 2008, 10:12 AM)
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seems like this could be useful to others
How would I send it to you? (not the whole database :tellme:)
I'll probably make a few changes to it over the next week as it gets more used

No rush.

You can make a copy and delete most (or all) items

3- You can drag-drop as many files as you wish. Try it on a scrap item first (or better still in a temp database)
-PPLandry (February 15, 2008, 10:12 AM)
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second time today:
:Thmbsup: whooHoo!!! :-*

works a treat, each is gets it's own item


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