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SQLNotes...what is it exactly?

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I have registered at Mantis
but I'm slow to post a bug report cause I suspect its usually my error..

I have a bunch of items (siblings) selected
in properties pane I try to add text to "note" field

When I paste in text, or,
sometimes before I even paste in text - after clicking twice in notes box* -
(I click once, maybe alt-tab to check the notes text, come back, click again)
I repeatedly get:
Run-time error '94':

Invalid use of Null
followed by prog closing

* I see that if I click on notes, the cell/box to the right automatically has cursor in it
I hadnt noticed that initially

So problem seems to be with pasting (maybe it's not "allowed" in properties pane?) or
clicking in the text area for notes in properties pane
If it's a bug and it's helpful to, I will post it there (mantis)

Nice Tomos. I was able to reproduce this just now. Here's how :

1- click in the "Note" field in the property panel (you have to first click in it, it's important, and the field needs to be EMPTY)
2- Click on any  item (any number, it doesn't matter, and any field/column in the grid I believe).
3- Reclick in the empty "Note" field in the property panel...

I then get the error (each and everytime I repeat these steps). It seems tobe only doing it with the note field in the property pane...

(Hierarchy is enabled.)

Do you want to put it in Mantis, Tomos ? Or should I ?

Nice one guys. It is fixed. This was only happening on fields marked as hyperlink (which Notes is for no reason).

New release will include another new feature: hyperlinks in items. Format will be something like:

--- Code: HTML ---<a xyz>Link text</a>
where xyz can be any of the following:

* ItemID

* ItemIDs, comma separated

* WikiTag

* WikiTags, comma separated

* href=Local file

* href=URL (www, email)
If the link points to an item in the grid, focus will move to that item. If not or if the link returns more than one item (i.e. ItemIDs, WikiTag, WikiTags), the item(s) will be displayed in the scratchpad grid.

A hyperlink editor will come later, but you'll already have the wiki style of hyperlink insertion: [URL;Text] + spacebar will create the hyperlink for you

It will function the same way in the grid and the HTML pane. Furthermore, "normal" URLs will be enabled on HTML Export.

Excellent Pierre!  :)

what I would really like :) would be a Control+Mouse Click or some other key+click combo
Double clicks kill me :-[
-tomos (February 14, 2008, 07:20 AM)
--- End quote ---
Fixed. CTRL-Click will now open the link (file, email, web)


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